
“If this was America I’d be a Cowboy...which would possibly be a bit cooler!”

Saturday, 18 June 2011

Loony Toons...

The world has changed! It has become more hip without us either realising or wishing to acknowledge it. We have done so much “thinking outside of the box” in recent years that thinking inside of the box for a change is considered quite radical and being conventional can be considered almost eccentric. Think of a young gent in a three piece suit and bowler hat, toying with his watch chain, flabbergasted that he couldn’t find moustache wax in the pharmacy section of Morrisons. You’d think he was a total nutter who probably also had an unhealthy affection for steam locomotives and a worrying collection of stamps and old tram tickets. A hundred years ago this would have been considered normal. I blame the Guardian.

What has this got to do with anything...or farming? Well, a bit, at a push. I’m trying to justify the reason for putting a video of the pigs on the blog in order to amuse you because other than some petite, sexily clad young girls “climbing over my machinery” (pictures on Facebook) there hasn’t been a great deal going on this week.

So, the point I wish to make here is how things change and that how strange, yet credible it is to quote a cartoon character to justify my blog activity (all will become clear, honest!). This would have been impossible a few years ago, not only for the non-existence of blogs but also because cartoons were made to do no more than occupy kids. Think about it. You could glean nothing sensible from Mickey Mouse’s first film, Steamboat Willy, other than the fact that some clever sod had drawn some pictures of a mouse on a boat and joined them all up to create the illusion of movement.

In my case, I am referring to an old episode of Southpark, and if you still think things haven’t changed that much, consider that cartoons like this are not only factual and intelligent but also some of the only peddlers of truth and insight on the planet. (I’d like to say Southpark translates globally across languages and cultures but I’m afraid it doesn’t. In Spanish, they translated the opening song from the film from “Shut your f*cking face uncle-f*cker” to “You’re an arsehole son of a bitch”, not quite the same, I think you’ll agree!) They also do what the press can’t do in quite the same way and relentlessly attack politicians, celebrities and bully-boy corporations. Quite a few modern cartoons; Family Guy, Stressed Eric, The Simpsons, educate people by tackling family life, morals, philosophy and politics and stand half a chance of subliminally relaying it to hapless Americans without all of the sickly syrup and piousness of Little House on the Prairie or The Cosby Show. Can't be a bad thing. In this case, the cartoon character is Kyle (I think) and he is sad about the fact that the masses would rather watch tv programmes with close-ups of animals with accompanying silly music than something educational or informative. Just to be “radical” there is no silly music in the below vid. (I actually haven’t worked out how to dub videos yet – any assistance welcomed here!).

By the way, Steamboat Willy was made in 1928 and essentially featured an animal with accompanying silly music. Maybe we haven’t changed at all.

Weather-wise, we have had, and continue to be having, some serious rain. I’m not sure whether this means that we will get the silage cut we need, however, without rain we probably would not have bothered cutting at all. I’m estimating getting the contractors in for the first week of July but will monitor growth and rainfall daily. Trouble is, as the new shoots of grass grow, the bunnies get straight on it – you can see the cuts along the shoots made by razor sharp teeth and the general slow progress of grass regeneration. In some fields its really bad. Funnily enough, the solution makes me think of yet another cartoon!

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