
“If this was America I’d be a Cowboy...which would possibly be a bit cooler!”

Monday, 5 September 2011

John Frederick Smith, 15th April 1937 to 6th September 2010

Tomorrow is an anniversary which we as a family have all seen coming - yet its suddenly here and we can’t quite believe it.

My dear old Dad died a year ago on the 6th September 2010, aged 73. We miss him terribly - he left behind a big hole in our lives and the past 12 months have been quite tough for my Mum as we also lost my nan, my mum’s mother, in December.

However, I genuinely feel that my mum has benefitted from the farm practice continuing pretty much as before, because that way there is less of a change about the place. If you look at the views and listen to my dad’s animals mooing in the distance along with catching a whiff of characteristic farmyard smells, you can almost imagine he is still here. If he was here, mind, he would be bounding around being fairly vocal about something or other, usually a left-wing politician or his favourite new arsehole in the village.

He did involve himself in more placid pursuits such as winding his clocks and reading the papers, although he was on the go most of the time. Quite often if I was to pop round he would say that he was “thirsty”, and “What was I doing today?” aka, do you fancy a pint, or five or six as was often the case. It would generally only be a matter of time before the question came, regardless of the day. I was always available to have a pint with him knowing that one day we wouldn’t be able to anymore.

Strange as it may seem for some of those that knew him, I mainly remember the laughter, his laughter, and the fun we had together - he was very witty. I could go on, as he could in fact, but I’ll leave it there and thank you for paying attention to the farm blog over the past few months.

Dad started off with nothing and the farm represents everything he worked for, without which, as a family we would not have so many wonderful memories.

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